Spring Brings Hawaiian Flowers Into Full Bloom
Traveling over 3000 miles, out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, we find the most exquisite flora and fauna. Hawaii has the largest environmental diversity in a small amount of land than anywhere else in the world. Tropical flower species have found this safe haven to proliferate, as the conditions are the perfect combination for healthy growth and sustainable survival. The state of Hawaii is a volcanic archipelago of 137 islands in the entire chain. Several of these are known as atolls and we know that there are eight main islands. Hawaii (the Big Island), Maui, Molokai, Lanai, Kaho’olawe, Oahu, Kauai, and Ni’ihau. Each island has completely different environments with unique plants and birdlife. Of course, you see some cross over, however, many plants thrive in specific conditions only found on each island. For example, orchid plants and anthurium flowers grow best on the island of Hawaii. The porous nature of volcanic rock, the intense heat on the south side of the island and the humidity are perfect for these ancient beauties. As we travel up to an elevation of 4000 feet on the crater of Haleakala, Maui, we will find farms filled with protea flowers. One of the hardiest flowers, they seem to love the harsh conditions. Their flowers bloom throughout the seasons of autumn, winter and spring with showy exotic colors and shapes.
We must venture far into the rainforests of the island chain of Maui, Hawaii and Kauai to experience the stunning exhibition of the tropical Hawaiian flowers. Several varieties of heliconia, bird of paradise, psittacorum (parrot), several varieties of ginger; pink, red, torch, Indonesian, shell, white and yellow are some of the exotics in this family. These exotics store the water in their stems, which make them long lasting in any arrangement. The extraordinary display of tropical foliage is also found in the forests. You will see common “house plants” such as dieffenbacia, or monstera deliciosa, growing wild on the trees. Of course they will be ten times the size, but to see them in the rainforests, we can certainly appreciate how healthy it is for them to live free with the perfect conditions. The flowers in Hawaii all have seasons, subtle as they may be, they can feel the changes in rainfall, sunlight and temperature. Different varieties of each flower will come into season during different months, which makes Hawaiian tropical flowers unique and very popular. They are also long lasting and certainly the most beautiful flowers in the world.
Spring has arrived to the islands as an abundance of Exotic tropicals give birth to an array of colors, shapes and sizes. If you visit the islands and happen to drive either to the rainforest side, or upcountry, you will see these exquisite flowers lining the roadsides and growing in the fields. The most magnificent of these beauties, are the Heliconia flowers. They are part of the Musaceae family, with a genes of 100 to 200 species. The most common varieties you may know are called "Lobster Claw" or "Parrots". Originally these magnificent flowers come from South America and the Pacific Islands west of Indonesia. They are a fairly new industry in Hawaii and were introduced in the 80's. They rapidly took root and have proliferated ever since. New varieties come up every year. The most popular for arrangements are the upright variety. although my absolute favorite are the pendulum or hanging heliconia. If you get a chance, look at the amazing pictures of them in all their varieties: click here.