
Orchids, Orchids, Orchids

An interesting article all about orchids and orchid care from Everyone may have a favorite flower that holds special meaning, but orchids have long been a popular choice. Introduced to the Victorian society more than one hundred years ago, orchids are one of the most exquisite flowers available. Orchids are available in four different varieties. Epiphytes - cling to the tree as they grow Lithophytes - known for growing on rocks. Saprophytes - grow in leaf litter. Terrestrials - grows in sand.  Between these four categories, you will discover...

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Hawaiian Tropical Flowers | Some Interesting Facts

This article has a number of interesting facts about Hawaii and the types of Hawaiian tropical flowers, birds, and insects you can expect to find there. Endemic species are everywhere on Hawaii, the Island chain created by volcanoes far from everything in the pacific ocean. The “3 W’s” Wind, Waves and Wings used to be the only way to get to Hawaii before humans starting bringing organism with them. The waves transported coconuts, swimming animals and animals caught on floating objects to the island, the wind brought airborne seeds and...

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Creating Orchid Hybrids | Tropical Hawaiian Flowers

Creating Orchid Hybrids | Tropical Hawaiian Flowers

Here's an interesting article that describes what some growers go through as they're creating their orchid hybrids, my personal favorite Hawaiian tropical flower. Enjoy! Orchid hybrids are plants that combine the characteristics from both parent plants. A grower will first consider what type of flower he wants to generate. It may be based on certain coloring, stripes or spots. Growers may be seeking flowers to combine these type of features with plants of different sizes. Fragrance is another element of hybridization. With these features in mind, growers select parent plants...

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